Join fellow activists to TAKE BACK CONNECTICUT. This new grassroots movement offers you a yearlong involvement with the Connecticut Republican Party.

New members joining will quickly receive their TAKE BACK CONNECTICUT bumper sticker to display proudly. We will also keep you up to date on area events, candidate forums and other opportunities to get involved with the grassroots momentum to TAKE BACK CONNECTICUT.

Becoming a member couldn't be easier -- join today for as little as $5.00 per month. Please take the time to fill out the secure form below and begin your membership with TAKE BACK CONNECITCUT and help us work towards Republican victories in the coming elections.

Benefits of Becoming a Member:
  • Updates on area events, candidate forums and other opportunities to get involved.
  • Automatic monthly donation charged to your credit or debit card
  • Donations will go towards Republican victories
  • Included in your thank you is a TAKE BACK CONNECTICUT/VOTE REPUBLICAN bumper sticker.

Contact Information:

For your protection: The address you provide should be the same as the billing address of your credit card. * Required

Help With An Annual Membership:

This is a one-time contribution to help the CT GOP and will not automatically renew.

    Help With A Monthly Membership:

    Please note, this contribution will be debited directly from your credit card each month until cancellation.

Other $

Contribution Information:

  • Visa
  • MasterCard
  • Amex
  • Discover

Thank you for supporting The Connecticut Republican Party-Federal account. These funds are used exclusively for the purpose of supporting Federal candidates and federal election activities. Contributions from state lobbyists and Connecticut state contractors are accepted and allowed in this account.

Contributions to The Connecticut Republican Party-Federal are not tax deductible.